Package: MIPanalyzer 1.1.0

Bob Verity

MIPanalyzer: Filtering and analysis of MIP data

Filtering and analysis of MIP data.

Authors:Bob Verity [aut, cre]

MIPanalyzer.pdf |MIPanalyzer.html
MIPanalyzer/json (API)

# Install MIPanalyzer in R:
install.packages('MIPanalyzer', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3


38 exports 2 stars 0.49 score 88 dependencies

Last updated 7 months agofrom:72f692e8c70b607f8ae65dfaf3d2e417acb8582d



Analysis of population structure

Rendered fromstructure_analysis.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 25 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-12
Started: 2023-12-12

Comparing genetic distances

Rendered fromgenetic_distances.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 25 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-12
Started: 2023-12-12


Rendered frominstallation.Rmdusingknitr::knitron Jun 25 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-12
Started: 2023-12-11

Reading in and filtering data

Rendered fromfiltering_data.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 25 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-12
Started: 2023-12-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Check that MIPanalyzer package has loaded successfullycheck_MIPanalyzer_loaded
Explore locus coverage prior to filteringexplore_filter_coverage_loci
Explore sample coverage prior to filteringexplore_filter_coverage_samples
Filter alleles based on raw countsfilter_counts
Filter loci based on coveragefilter_coverage_loci
Filter samples based on coveragefilter_coverage_samples
Filter out some locifilter_loci
Filter loci to drop invariant sitesfilter_loci_invariant
Filter out over-countsfilter_overcounts
Filter out some samplesfilter_samples
Filter alleles based on within-sample allele frequenciesfilter_wsaf
Get genomic distance between samplesget_genomic_distance
Get identity by mixtureget_IB_mixture
Get identity by state (IBS) distanceget_IBS_distance
Get great circle distance between spatial pointsget_spatial_distance
Get within-sample allele frequenciesget_wsaf
Estimate pairwise inbreeding coefficient F by maximum likelihoodinbreeding_mle
Determine if object is of class mipanalyzer_biallelicis.mipanalyzer_biallelic
Determine if object is of class mipanalyzer_multiallelicis.mipanalyzer_multiallelic
Calculate great circle distance and bearing between coordinateslonlat_to_bearing
MIPanalyzerMIPanalyzer-package MIPanalyzer
Converts a MIPanalyzer biallelic object to vcfRmipanalyzer_biallelic_to_vcfR
Load system filemipanalyzer_file
PCA of within-sample allele frequenciespca_wsaf
PCoA of genomic distances between samplespcoa_genomic_distance
Get dataframe of P.falciparum chromosome lengthsPf_chrom_lengths
Plot coverage matrixplot_coverage
Plot a distance matrixplot_distance
Produce ggplot mapplot_map
Plot PCAplot_pca
Plot PCA contribution of each variableplot_pca_contribution
Plot variance explained by PCA componentsplot_pca_variance
Plot PCoAplot_pcoa
Plot within-sample allele frequenciesplot_wsaf
Custom print function for class mipanalyzer_biallelicprint.mipanalyzer_biallelic
Custom print function for class mipanalyzer_multiallelicprint.mipanalyzer_multiallelic
Draw from Beta-binomial distributionrbetabinom
Draw from Dirichlet distributionrdirichlet
Simulate biallelic datasim_biallelic
Print summary for class mipanalyzer_biallelicsummary.mipanalyzer_biallelic
Print summary for class mipanalyzer_multiallelicsummary.mipanalyzer_multiallelic
Convert vcf to biallelic mipanalyzer data classvcf_to_mipanalyzer_biallelic
Convert vcf to multiallelic mipanalyzer data classvcf_to_mipanalyzer_multiallelic