1. coiaf::example_real_data
    Example real data
    matrix|10 x 1000
  2. dcifer::dres
    Dcifer results
  3. dcifer::dsmp
    Sample data
  4. dcifer::revals
    Parameter grid
  5. discent::IBD_simulation_data
    Simulated Identity by Descent from Isolation by Distance
  6. DRpower::df_sim
    Summary of simulations from the threshold analysis
  7. DRpower::df_ss
    Minimum sample sizes for the threshold analysis
  8. DRpower::historical_data
    Data from historical pfhrp2 studies that passed filters for inclusion into an ICC analysis.
  9. hierfstat::cont.isl
    A genetic dataset from a diploid organism in a continent-island model
  10. hierfstat::cont.isl99
    A genetic dataset from a diploid organism in a continent-island model
  11. hierfstat::crocrussula
    Genotypes and sex of 140 shrews Crocidura russula
  12. hierfstat::diploid
    A genetic dataset from a diploid organism
  13. hierfstat::exhier
    Example data set with 4 levels, one diploid and one haploid locus
  14. hierfstat::gtrunchier
    Genotypes at 6 microsatellite loci of Galba truncatula from different patches in Western Switzerland
  15. hierfstat::yangex
    Example data set from Yang (1998) appendix
  16. isoRelate::annotation_genes
    Plasmodium Falciparum Gene Annotation Dataset
  17. isoRelate::highlight_genes
    Plasmodium Falciparum Gene Highlight Dataset
  18. isoRelate::my_ibd
    IBD Segments For The Papua New Guinea Dataset
  19. isoRelate::png_genotypes
    Filtered Genotypes For The Papua New Guinea Dataset
  20. isoRelate::png_ibd
    IBD Segments For The Papua New Guinea Dataset
  21. isoRelate::png_parameters
    IBD Parameter Estimates For The Papua New Guinea Dataset
  22. isoRelate::png_pedmap
    Papua New Guinea Plasmodium Falciparum Dataset
  23. magenta::admin_units_seasonal
    Admin level 1 africa seasonal parameters
  24. magenta::drug_table
    Drug Efficacy by Genotype Table
  25. magenta::importations
    Importation data
  26. magenta::irs_2000_2015
    IRS for 2000 to 2015
  27. magenta::itn_2000_2015
    ITN for 2000 to 2015
  28. malaria.em::geno
    EM Estimation of Malaria Haplotype Probabilities and Number of Infections from Multiply Infected Human Blood Samples
    matrix|200 x 2
  29. moire::mcmc_results
    MCMC results from using the packaged simulated data and calling 'run_mcmc()'
  30. moire::namibia_data
    Genetic and epidemiological data from Namibia
  31. moire::regional_allele_frequencies
    Allele frequencies for different regions
  32. moire::simulated_data
    Simulated genotyping data
  33. paneljudge::chr_lengths
    Data on chromosome lengths.
  34. paneljudge::frequencies
    Data on allele frequencies of the example GTseq panel.
  35. paneljudge::markers
    Data on markers of the example GTseq panel.
  36. pixelate.fork::CentralAfrica_Pf_incidence
    _Plasmodium falciparum_ predicted incidence
  37. pixelate.fork::CentralAfrica_shp
    Shape files for central Africa
  38. pixelate.fork::SubSaharanAfrica_Pf_incidence
    _Plasmodium falciparum_ predicted incidence
  39. pixelate.fork::SubSaharanAfrica_shp
    Shape files for sub-Saharan Africa
  40. Pv3Rs::fs_VHX_BPD
    Allele frequencies computed from example Plasmodium vivax data
  41. Pv3Rs::max_probs
    matrix|8 x 247
  42. Pv3Rs::output_Cln.Str.Sib
  43. Pv3Rs::output_HalfSib.PCLikeSib
  44. Pv3Rs::ys_VHX_BPD
    Example Plasmodium vivax data