Package 'polySimIBD'

Title: Structured Wright Fisher Simulator for Malaria Genetics
Description: Unique features of the malaria life-cycle and transmission dynamics requires extensions of typical population genetic simulators. Using a spatial discrete-loci, discrete-time structured Wright Fisher framework, we simulate malaria population genetics forwards in time. Users are then able to capture the full Ancestral Recombination Graph.
Authors: Nick Brazeau [aut, cre], Bob Verity [aut]
Maintainer: Nick Brazeau <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.1.0
Built: 2025-02-17 04:31:10 UTC

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The Ancestral Recombination Graph This S3 class represents the ARG from the realized simulation


A list of bv_tree for each discrete-loci, which constitutes the ARG

A Simplified Tree: bvtree This S3 class represents the bvtree which is a simple marginal tree representation


The bv_tree class is a lightweight representation of a marginal tree



vector; the node connection for each haplotype (each haplotype is an element in a vector)


vector; the timing of the node connection (time to MRCA)


vector; the order of coalescence for each set of haplotypes

Convert bvtree to Newick Tree Format


Recursively converts bvtree to Newick tree format for compatibility with other downstream packages. The output format named leafs with distances that correspond to coalescent times. Additionally, clades have the total tree length explicitly (versus the acceptable Newick shorthand without total length).


bvtreeToNewick(bvtree, tlim = 10)



S3 class; internal class for the polySimIBD: package bvtree


numeric; the maximum number of generations to consider before exiting gracefully if all samples have not coalesced


Note, the overall time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) is set to the tlim, which in Newick format looks inappropriately rooted.

Note, the function does not "know" the original tlim that was specified in the forward-simulation, and thus must be re-stated by the user.


Newick String

Get ancestral recombination graph from forward simulations


Given an object swf, which is the result of forward simulation using the function sim_swf(), walk backwards through the ancestry and calculate the coalescent tree at every locus for the specified hosts and/or haplotypes.


get_arg(swf, host_index = NULL, haplo_index = NULL)



result of forwards simulation using the function sim_swf()


a vector of target hosts. Defaults to all hosts


a list of target haplotypes within the hosts specified by host_index. Defaults to all haplotypes within the specified hosts.

Get Between-Host Identity by Descent from forward simulations


Given an object swf, which is the result of forward simulation using the function sim_swf(), walks backwards through the ancestry and calculate the between host identity by descent. The IBD calculation is based on Verity et. al 2020, Nat Comms, PMC7192906 and assumes relatedness if there are any IBD among the haplotypes between hosts at a given loci (i.e. a loci is considered to be in IBD if there is any between host IBD among the strains, regardless of COI. This means that as COI increases, IBD may be overestimated, which has been shown to be a conservative estimand).


get_bvibd(swf, host_index = NULL, haplo_index = NULL)



result of forwards simulation using the function sim_swf()


a vector of target hosts. Defaults to all hosts


a list of target haplotypes within the hosts specified by host_index. Defaults to all haplotypes within the specified hosts.

Extract Effective COI by Loci from SWF Simulation for a Single Host


From a single host in a SWF Simulation, extract the effective COI for loci within the ARG. Effective COI is defined as the number of non-coalesced genomes at the end of tlim. Note, this framework is an independent process for each recombination event and thus will vary along the simulated genome (but not necessarily by locus).


get_effective_coi(swf, host_index = NULL)



result of forwards simulation using the function sim_swf()


a vector of target hosts. Defaults to all hosts


Function limited to a single host per "realization"


vector of effective COI by loci

Calculate Within-Host IBD


The within-host IBD is calculated as the number of strains that have coalesced within the tlim at each loci divided by the original (i.e. not effective) COI. As an example, consider that there are three strains (i.e. parasites) within a host and that the parasite genome has ten equidistant loci with a single recombination breakpoint at loci 5 (i.e.). Within this framework, we consider at loci 1:5 if 2/3 strains have coalesced, the within-host IBD for this section is 2/3. Next, for loci 6:10 if no strains have coalesced the within-host IBD is 0. Combining these results with-weighting for respective length/portion of the genome (weights here are equal and therefore negligible) the overall within-host IBD is:

2+0HostCOI1\frac{2 + 0}{Host_{COI} - 1}

, where one is subtracted from the Host-COI for self-comparison, which gives (3-1) + (3-1) (for each loci). Note, because we consider self comparisons, the denominator is always less than the true COI.


get_within_ibd(swf, host_index = NULL)



result of forwards simulation using the function sim_swf()


a vector of target hosts. Defaults to all hosts


Function limited to a single host per "realization"


double of within-host IBD

Structured Wright Fisher Simulator for Malaria Genetics


Unique features of the malaria life-cycle and transmission dynamics requires extensions of typical population genetic simulators. Using a spatial discrete-loci, discrete-time structured Wright Fisher model, we simulate malaria population genetics forwards in time. Users are then able to capture the full Ancestral Recombination Graph.

The Structured Wright Fisher Model for IBD


Simulate a population forwards with recombination that approximates the Structured Wright Fisher Process and tracks haplotype identity by descent where individuals represent demes, such that within a deme individual-level COI is considered. The model is also extended to consider spatial demes that individual hosts can move between.


sim_swf(pos, N, m, rho, mean_coi, tlim, migr_mat = 1, verbose = FALSE)



vector; the genomic coordinates for chromosome and position of the sites


integer vector; The number of individuals to consider in each deme


numeric numeric; Probability of internal migration where m represents the probability of moving from host_origin to host_new by m*(1-1/N) of each deme


numeric; expected recombination rate


numeric vector; The lambda of a right-shifted Poisson process, 1 + Pos(lambda) representing the average COI of each deme


numeric; the maximum number of generations to consider before exiting gracefully if all samples have not coalesced


numeric matrix; Migrations rates or probabilities between destination and origin. Note, because this is a Wright-Fisher model, we are drawing parents and therefore migration matrix is parameterized towards "where one came from" versus "where one is headed": origin specified as columns and destination in rows. Default value of 1 indicates non-spatial model. Note, if using a probability matrix, rows must sum to 1 (valid marginal probability); otherwise, values will be assumed to be rates and converted to probabilities.




Demes are assumed to be ordered throughout (i.e. the order needs to be consistent between N, m, mean_coi, and the rows and columns of the migration matrix).

The migration matrix is assumed to be a distance matrix that is either a rate or a probability. The program will coerce the matrix into a probability distribution between origin and destination based on the row-sums.

This function is intended to be fed into the get_arg function to summarize the simulation results,


Returns a list of length six that contains

  1. pos: The simulated genetic coordinates

  2. coi: The COI of each individual

  3. recomb: A recombination list of length of tlim where each element contains the recombination block – as a boolean – of the two parental haplotypes.

  4. parent_host1: the parental host assignments for the "paternal" haplotype

  5. parent_host1: the parental host assignments for the "maternal" haplotype

  6. parent_haplo1 "paternal" haplotype assigment (as above)

  7. parent_haplo2 "maternal" haplotype assigment (as above)

Subset an object of class bvtree


Given a bvtree and a vector of indices s, creates a new tree which is a subset of the original tree focusing only on the elements s.


subset_bvtree(bvtree, s)



an object of class "bvtree"


a vector specifying which elements in the bvtree to focus on

The Structured Wright Fisher Model Output This S3 class represents realization of the Spatial Discrete-Time Discrete-Loci Structured Wright Fisher Malaria Model.


The realization of the Discrete-Time Discrete-Loci Spatial Wright Fisher Malaria Model contains all of the information to create the ARG: each generation's parents, the resulting recombination events between parents, and the offspring haplotypes



vector; the genomic coordinates for chromosome and position of the sites


vector; the COI of each host


list; recombination blocks for each ancestral host for each generation


list; parent for host 1 for each generation


list; parent for host 2 for each generation


list; haplotypes for parent 1 for each generation


list; haplotypes for parent 2 for each generation