To cite polySimIBD in publications use: A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {The impact of antimalarial resistance on the genetic structure of Plasmodium falciparum in the DRC}, author = {Verity R and Aydemir O and Brazeau NF and Watson OJ and Hathaway NJ and Mwandagalirwa MK and Marsh PW and Thwai K and Fulton T and Denton M and Morgan AP and Parr JB and Tumwebaze PK and Conrad M and Rosenthal PJ and Ishengoma DS and Ngondi J and Gutman J and Mulenga M and Norris DE and Moss WJ and Mensah BA and Myers-Hansen JL and Ghansah A and Tshefu AK and Ghani AC and Meshnick SR and Bailey JA and Juliano JJ}, journal = {Nature Commununications}, year = {2020}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {2107}, url = {}, }