Package 'paneljudge'

Title: Judge the performance of a panel of genetic markers using simulated data
Description: An R package to judge the performance of a panel of genetic markers using data simulated for pairs of haploid genotypes. The data are simulated under a hidden Markov model of relatedness (described in Taylor, A.R., Jacob, P.E., Neafsey, D.E. and Buckee, C.O., 2019. Estimating relatedness between malaria parasites. Genetics, 212(4), pp.1337-1351) using allele frequency estimates provided by the user and inter-marker distances. The markers are treated as categorical random variables whose realisations (alleles) are unordered. The effective cardinalities and diversities of the markers can be computed using the input allele frequency estimates. Panel performance can be judged in terms of the root mean square error (RMSE) and confidence interval width of estimated relatedness, where relatedness is estimated under the same model used to simulate the data. At present, the examples we provide do not consider model misspecification; do not account for uncertainty around input allele frequency estimates; do not consider relatedness between pairs of haploid genotypes simulated using different allele frequencies; do not account for marker drop-out (markers that fail to produce useful data, e.g. because they a monomorphic). Otherwise stated, in the examples provided, the performance of a panel is judged in its most favourable light; it will likely perform less well in reality.
Authors: Aimee Taylor [aut, cre] , Pierre Jacob [aut]
Maintainer: Aimee Taylor <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-06 04:03:35 UTC

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Data on chromosome lengths.


Lengths in base pairs of chromosomes Pf3D7_01_v3 to Pf3D7_14_v3 of the 3D7 Plasmodium falciparum reference genome listed on PlasmoDB (see url below).




A numeric vector named by the chromosome number.


Function to compute marker diversities


Given a matrix of marker allele frequencies, compute_diversities returns the diversities of t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m markers, where mm is the marker count. Each diversity is calculated as described in [1], i.e. without correcting for finite sample sizes or considering uncertainty.


compute_diversities(fs, warn_fs = TRUE)



Matrix of marker allele frequencies, i.e. the ftfts in [1]. Specifically, a mm by KmaxKmax matrix, where mm is the marker count and KmaxKmax is the maximum cardinality (per-marker allele count) observed over all mm markers. If, for any t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m, the maximum cardinality exceeds that of the tt-th marker (i.e. if Kmax>KtKmax > Kt), then all fs[t,1:Kt] are in (0,1] and all fs[t,(Kt+1):Kmax] are zero. For example, if Kt=2Kt = 2 and Kmax=4Kmax = 4 then fs[t,] might look like [0.3, 0.7, 0, 0].


Logical indicating if the function should return warnings following allele frequency checks.


Diversities for t=1,,mt = 1,\ldots,m markers.


  1. Taylor, A.R., Jacob, P.E., Neafsey, D.E. and Buckee, C.O., 2019. Estimating relatedness between malaria parasites. Genetics, 212(4), pp.1337-1351.


compute_diversities(fs = frequencies$Colombia)

Function to compute marker effective cardinalities


Given a matrix of marker allele frequencies, compute_eff_cardinalities returns the effective cardinalites of t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m markers, where mm is the marker count. Effective cardinalities are per-marker allele counts that account for inequifrequenct alleles. Each effective cardinality is calculated as described in [1], i.e. without correcting for finite sample sizes or considering uncertainty.


compute_eff_cardinalities(fs, warn_fs = TRUE)



Matrix of marker allele frequencies, i.e. the ftfts in [1]. Specifically, a mm by KmaxKmax matrix, where mm is the marker count and KmaxKmax is the maximum cardinality (per-marker allele count) observed over all mm markers. If, for any t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m, the maximum cardinality exceeds that of the tt-th marker (i.e. if Kmax>KtKmax > Kt), then all fs[t,1:Kt] are in (0,1] and all fs[t,(Kt+1):Kmax] are zero. For example, if Kt=2Kt = 2 and Kmax=4Kmax = 4 then fs[t,] might look like [0.3, 0.7, 0, 0].


Logical indicating if the function should return warnings following allele frequency checks.


Effective cardinalities for t=1,,mt = 1,\ldots,m markers.


  1. Taylor, A.R., Jacob, P.E., Neafsey, D.E. and Buckee, C.O., 2019. Estimating relatedness between malaria parasites. Genetics, 212(4), pp.1337-1351.


compute_eff_cardinalities(fs = frequencies$Colombia)

Function to compute confidence intervals for relatedness and switch rate parameters


Given a matrix of marker allele frequencies, a vector of inter-marker distances, and estimates of the relatedness and switch rate parameters, compute_r_and_k_CIs returns confidence intervals around the parameter estimates. The default confidence is 95%. The intervals are approximate. They are generated using parametric bootstrap draws of the parameter estimates based on genotype calls for haploid genotype pairs simulated under the HMM described in [1] using the input parameter estimates. The quality of the approximation and compute time increases with the number of parametric bootstrap draws, which are generated in parallel using a specified number of cores.


  confidence = 95,
  nboot = 100,
  core_count = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
  warn_fs = TRUE,



Matrix of marker allele frequencies, i.e. the ftfts in [1]. Specifically, a mm by KmaxKmax matrix, where mm is the marker count and KmaxKmax is the maximum cardinality (per-marker allele count) observed over all mm markers. If, for any t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m, the maximum cardinality exceeds that of the tt-th marker (i.e. if Kmax>KtKmax > Kt), then all fs[t,1:Kt] are in (0,1] and all fs[t,(Kt+1):Kmax] are zero. For example, if Kt=2Kt = 2 and Kmax=4Kmax = 4 then fs[t,] might look like [0.3, 0.7, 0, 0].


Vector of mm inter-marker distances, i.e. the dtdts in [1]. The tt-th element of the inter-marker distance vector, ds[t], contains the distance between marker tt and t+1t+1 such that ds[m] = Inf, where mm is the marker count. (Note that this differs slightly from [1], where ds[t] contains the distance between marker t1t-1 and tt). Distances between markers on different chromosomes are also considered infinite, i.e. if the chromosome of marker t+1t+1 is not equal to the chromosome of the tt-th marker, ds[t] = Inf.


Estimate of the switch rate parameter, i.e. estimate of kk in [1].


Estimate of the relatedness parameter, i.e. estimate of rr in [1].


Confidence level (percentage) of the confidence interval (default 95%).


Number of parametric bootstrap draws from which to compute the confidence interval. Larger values provide a better approximation but prolong computation.


Number of cores to use to do computation. Set to 2 or more for parallel computation. Defaults to the number detected on the machine minus one.


Logical indicating if the function should return warnings following allele frequency checks.


Arguments to be passed to simulate_Ys and estimate_r_and_k.


Confidence intervals around input switch rate parameter, kk, and relatedness parameter, rr.


  1. Taylor, A.R., Jacob, P.E., Neafsey, D.E. and Buckee, C.O., 2019. Estimating relatedness between malaria parasites. Genetics, 212(4), pp.1337-1351.


# First, stimulate some data
simulated_Ys <- simulate_Ys(fs = frequencies$Colombia, ds = markers$distances, k = 5, r = 0.25)

# Second, estimate the switch rate parameter, k, and relatedness parameter, r
krhat <- estimate_r_and_k(fs = frequencies$Colombia, ds = markers$distances, Ys = simulated_Ys)

# Third, compute confidence intervals (CIs)
compute_r_and_k_CIs(fs = frequencies$Colombia, ds = markers$distances, khat = krhat['khat'], rhat = krhat['rhat'])

Function to estimate relatedness and switch rate parameters


Given a matrix of marker allele frequencies, a vector of inter-marker distances, and a matrix of genotype calls for a pair of haploid genotypes, estimate_r_and_k returns the maximum likelihood estimates of the relatedness parameter, rr, and the switch rate parameter, kk, under the HMM described in [1].


  epsilon = 0.001,
  rho = 7.4 * 10^(-7),
  kinit = 50,
  rinit = 0.5,
  warn_fs = TRUE



Matrix of marker allele frequencies, i.e. the ftfts in [1]. Specifically, a mm by KmaxKmax matrix, where mm is the marker count and KmaxKmax is the maximum cardinality (per-marker allele count) observed over all mm markers. If, for any t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m, the maximum cardinality exceeds that of the tt-th marker (i.e. if Kmax>KtKmax > Kt), then all fs[t,1:Kt] are in (0,1] and all fs[t,(Kt+1):Kmax] are zero. For example, if Kt=2Kt = 2 and Kmax=4Kmax = 4 then fs[t,] might look like [0.3, 0.7, 0, 0].


Vector of mm inter-marker distances, i.e. the dtdts in [1]. The tt-th element of the inter-marker distance vector, ds[t], contains the distance between marker tt and t+1t+1 such that ds[m] = Inf, where mm is the marker count. (Note that this differs slightly from [1], where ds[t] contains the distance between marker t1t-1 and tt). Distances between markers on different chromosomes are also considered infinite, i.e. if the chromosome of marker t+1t+1 is not equal to the chromosome of the tt-th marker, ds[t] = Inf.


Matrix of genotypes calls for a pair of simulated haploid genotypes, i.e. the YtYts of the ii-th and jj-th haploid genotypes in [1]. Specifically, a mm by 2 matrix, where mm is the marker count and each column contains a haploid genotype. For all t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m markers, alleles are enumerated 0 to Kt1Kt-1, where KtKt is the cardinality (per-marker allele count) of the tt-th marker. For example, if Kt=2Kt = 2, both Ys[t,1] and Ys[t,2] are either 0 or 1.


Genotyping error, i.e. ϵ\epsilon in [1]. The genotyping error is the probability of miscalling one specific allele for another. As such, the error rate for the t-th marker, (Kt1)ϵ(Kt-1)\epsilon, scales with KtKt (the per-marker allele count, cardinality).


Recombination rate, i.e. ρ\rho in [1]. The recombination rate corresponds to the probability of a crossover per base pair. It is assumed constant across the genome under the HMM of [1]. Its default value corresponds to an average rate estimated for Plasmodium falciparum [2].


Switch rate parameter value used to initialise optimization of the negative loglikelihood.


Relatedness parameter value used to initialise optimization of the negative loglikelihood.


Logical indicating if the function should return warnings following allele frequency checks.


Maximum likelihood estimates of the switch rate parameter, kk, and relatedness parameter, rr.


  1. Taylor, A.R., Jacob, P.E., Neafsey, D.E. and Buckee, C.O., 2019. Estimating relatedness between malaria parasites. Genetics, 212(4), pp.1337-1351.

  2. Miles, A., Iqbal, Z., Vauterin, P., Pearson, R., Campino, S., Theron, M., Gould, K., Mead, D., Drury, E., O'Brien, J. and Rubio, V.R., 2016. Indels, structural variation, and recombination drive genomic diversity in Plasmodium falciparum. Genome research, 26(9), pp.1288-1299.


# First stimulate some data
simulated_Ys <- simulate_Ys(fs = frequencies$Colombia, ds = markers$distances, k = 5, r = 0.25)

# Second estimate the switch rate parameter, k, and relatedness parameter, r
estimate_r_and_k(fs = frequencies$Colombia, ds = markers$distances, Ys = simulated_Ys)

Data on allele frequencies of the example GTseq panel.


A data set of allele frequencies for four countries: Colombia, French Guiana, Mali and Sengal.




Each entry of the list is a matrix, fs say, with m=126m=126 rows and Kmax=44Kmax=44 variables, where mm is the marker count and KmaxKmax is the maximum cardinality (per-marker allele count) observed over all mm markers. If, for any t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m, the maximum cardinality exceeds that of the tt-th marker (i.e. if Kmax>KtKmax > Kt), then all fs[t,1:Kt] are in (0,1] and all fs[t,(Kt+1):Kmax] are zero. For example, for PF3D7_0103600 in Colombia, Kt=2Kt = 2 and frequencies$Colombia["PF3D7_0103600",] = (0.687075, 0.312925, 0, ..., 0).


Frequency (numeric) of the first allele



Frequency (numeric) of the KmaxKmax allele



Data on markers of the example GTseq panel.


A data set of marker attributes for markers pertaining to the example GTseq panel.




A data frame with 126 rows and 8 variables:


Name (character) of the microhaplotype marker ("Amplicon" because typed using an amplicon)


Chromosome (character) of the microhaplotype marker


First base pair (integer) of the microhaplotype marker


Last base pair (integer) of the microhaplotype marker


Length (integer) of the microhaplotype marker in base pairs


Mid-point (numeric) of the microhaplotype marker


Chromosome (numeric) of the microhaplotype marker


Inter mid-point distance (numeric) between the microhaplotype marker and its subsequent neighbour



Function to simulate genotype calls for a pair of haploid genotypes


Given a matrix of marker allele frequencies, a vector of inter-marker distances, a relatedness parameter, and a switch rate parameter, for a pair of haploid genotypes simulate_Ys returns genotype calls simulated under the HMM described in [1].


simulate_Ys(fs, ds, k, r, epsilon = 0.001, rho = 7.4 * 10^(-7), warn_fs = TRUE)



Matrix of marker allele frequencies, i.e. the ftfts in [1]. Specifically, a mm by KmaxKmax matrix, where mm is the marker count and KmaxKmax is the maximum cardinality (per-marker allele count) observed over all mm markers. If, for any t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m, the maximum cardinality exceeds that of the tt-th marker (i.e. if Kmax>KtKmax > Kt), then all fs[t,1:Kt] are in (0,1] and all fs[t,(Kt+1):Kmax] are zero. For example, if Kt=2Kt = 2 and Kmax=4Kmax = 4 then fs[t,] might look like [0.3, 0.7, 0, 0].


Vector of mm inter-marker distances, i.e. the dtdts in [1]. The tt-th element of the inter-marker distance vector, ds[t], contains the distance between marker tt and t+1t+1 such that ds[m] = Inf, where mm is the marker count. (Note that this differs slightly from [1], where ds[t] contains the distance between marker t1t-1 and tt). Distances between markers on different chromosomes are also considered infinite, i.e. if the chromosome of marker t+1t+1 is not equal to the chromosome of the tt-th marker, ds[t] = Inf.


Data-generating switch rate parameter, i.e. kk in [1].


Data-generating relatedness parameter, i.e. rr in [1].


Genotyping error, i.e. ϵ\epsilon in [1]. The genotyping error is the probability of miscalling one specific allele for another. As such, the error rate for the t-th marker, (Kt1)ϵ(Kt-1)\epsilon, scales with KtKt (the per-marker allele count, cardinality).


Recombination rate, i.e. ρ\rho in [1]. The recombination rate corresponds to the probability of a crossover per base pair. It is assumed constant across the genome under the HMM of [1]. Its default value corresponds to an average rate estimated for Plasmodium falciparum [2].


Logical indicating if the function should return warnings following allele frequency checks.


Simulated genotype calls for a pair of haploid genotypes, i.e. the YtYts of the ii-th and jj-th haploid genotypes in [1]. Specifically, a mm by 2 matrix, where mm is the marker count and each column contains a haploid genotype. For all t=1,...,mt = 1,...,m markers, alleles are enumerated 0 to Kt1Kt-1, where KtKt is the cardinality (per-marker allele count) of the tt-th marker. For example, if Kt=2Kt = 2, both Ys[t,1] and Ys[t,2] are either 0 or 1.


  1. Taylor, A.R., Jacob, P.E., Neafsey, D.E. and Buckee, C.O., 2019. Estimating relatedness between malaria parasites. Genetics, 212(4), pp.1337-1351.

  2. Miles, A., Iqbal, Z., Vauterin, P., Pearson, R., Campino, S., Theron, M., Gould, K., Mead, D., Drury, E., O'Brien, J. and Rubio, V.R., 2016. Indels, structural variation, and recombination drive genomic diversity in Plasmodium falciparum. Genome research, 26(9), pp.1288-1299.


simulate_Ys(fs = frequencies$Colombia, ds = markers$distances, k = 10, r = 0.5)