This tutorial covers:
Before doing anything, we will need to load some additional packages:
We will use a dataset of bi-allelic data already in the
format and filtered down to the
samples of interest (see previous tutorial). We can load this example
data as follows:
# load data from within this package
dat_path <- here("inst/extdata", "dat_biallelic.rds")
dat_biallelic <- readRDS(dat_path)
The within-sample allele frequency (WSAF) can be simply calculated as
divided by coverage
. This is carried out
by the get_wsaf()
function. Note that this function
automatically imputes missing values as the mean of all non-missing
values at each locus. This results in a complete matrix of the WSAF, but
we should keep in mind that some of this is imputed data.
It can be useful to produce a simple matrix plot of WSAFs:
We will carry out PCA using these values.
This is a static image of the plot you will see - you will be able to rotate and zoom it. We do not see any clear signal of clustering in this plot, which may indicate that allele frequencies are relatively homogeneous throughout these samples.
We may also want to know how much variance is explained by each component:
Only a small percentage of the variance is explained by each component, which again indicates that there is weak structure in the data.
Finally, we may be interested in which loci are contributing the most
to this PCA variation. This can be obtained through the loading values
of a PCA. We can plot these values as a function of genomic position
using the plot_pca_contribution()
function. Note, this
first requires us to extract the CHROM of each locus in numerical
# get CHROM in numeric format for each locus
chrom_numeric <- mapply(function(x) as.numeric(strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][2]), dat_biallelic$loci$CHROM)
# plot loading values
plot_pca_contribution(pca, component = 1, chrom = chrom_numeric, pos = dat_biallelic$loci$POS)
Interestingly, it appears that a large proportion of the variance in WSAFs between samples is being driven by a few loci on chromosome 10. This would be a good candidate area to eplore in terms of what could be driving this signal.
An alternative way of exploring this data is to use principal coordinates analysis (PCoA). Unlike PCA, this works with an input matrix of distances, allowing us to be flexible with how we calculate these distances. We will use a genomic distance measure described by the MalariaGen community that allows for distances to be calculated even between mixed infections.
We start by calculating the matrix of distances:
The output is an upper triangle matrix of distances between all samples:
gdist[1:5, 1:5]
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,] NA 0.08794438 0.09036943 0.09129772 0.08730510
#> [2,] NA NA 0.08587223 0.08747173 0.08538641
#> [3,] NA NA NA 0.08921462 0.08786440
#> [4,] NA NA NA NA 0.08578565
#> [5,] NA NA NA NA NA
We can use the function pcoa_genomic_distance()
perform PCoA, and the function plot_pcoa()
to plot the
# perform PCoA
pcoa <- pcoa_genomic_distance(gdist)
# scatterplot
plot_pcoa(pcoa, num_components = 3)
As before, we find little evidence of clustering, although there are a few interesting outliers. This implies that most samples have roughly the same genetic distance to all others, and so there is no strong signal of clustering of allele frequencies.